Module 2 - Equine Seedy Toe and white line disease
Module 2 - Equine Seedy Toe and white line disease
Seedy toe and white line disease in the equine hoof.
This is a set of 2 videos that are a recording of a zoom meeting held 20 Oct 2023 on the subject of white line disease and seedy toe.
Seedy toe and white line disease are similar conditions that occur in the equine foot. They are thought to be different and I’ll explain why in these 2 videos. I’ll show you how to recognise it in the horses foot, and look into how to treat it, however you must seek vet advice.
We will look at a foot with seedy toe and look inside the foot to see the damage. I’ve studied seedy toe and white line disease since 2017 and have some personal information and experience I’ll be sharing with you in these videos.
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Seedy toe and white line disease in the equine hoof.
This is a set of 2 videos that are a recording of a zoom meeting held 20 Oct 2023 on the subject of white line disease and seedy toe.
Seedy toe and white line disease are similar conditions that occur in the equine foot. They are thought to be different and I’ll explain why in these 2 videos. I’ll show you how to recognise it in the horses foot, and look into how to treat it, however you must seek vet advice.
We will look at a foot with seedy toe and look inside the foot to see the damage. I’ve studied seedy toe and white line disease since 2017 and have some personal information and experience I’ll be sharing with you in these videos.